PIR Motion Sensor, Passive Infrared with JST connector - SparkFun SEN-13285
This is an easy to use Passive Infrared, PIR Motion Sensor. Just power it up and wait 1-2 seconds for the sensor to get a snapshot of the still room. If anything moves after that period, the ‘alarm’ pin will go low.
This Passive Infrared Motion Sensor works great from 5 to 12V (datasheet shows 12V). You can also install a jumper wire past the 5V regulator on board to make this unit work at 3.3V. The sensor uses 1.6mA@3.3V.
The alarm pin is an open collector meaning you will need a pull-up resistor on the alarm pin. The open-drain setup allows multiple motion sensors to be connected on a single input pin. If any of the motion sensors go off, the input pin will be pulled low.
This neat PIR Sensor has a cable terminated with a common 3-pin JST! This makes the PIR Sensor much more accessible for whatever your project may need.
PIR Motion Sensor Wiring:
- Red = Power
- White = Ground
- Black = Alarm.
- SE-10 (Datasheet)
Connecting with Arduino:
The code for this PIR Motion Sensor is pretty simple. When it starts up, it needs 2 seconds to take an image it can use as a reference. When we see the signal pin go low, we print some text to the serial terminal (you can replace that with any code you want) and wait 2 seconds again before checking:
[code language="arduino"]
int pirPin = 2; //digital 2
void setup(){
pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);
void loop(){
int pirVal = digitalRead(pirPin);
if(pirVal == LOW){ //was motion detected
Serial.println(“Motion Detected”);