Solder Wick / Desoldering Braid, 1.5m Length, Various Widths
What could be more fundamental to an engineer than solder wick???
Solder wick is composed of copper threads braided together. Flux is normally added to help the solder flow from where it is not supposed to be (the jumper) to the wick. Hence, solder wick is sometimes called desolder braid. Yes, you really can solder anything, and solder wick is a large part of the process.
2 Reviews
Title of review 1089
Soldering wick in general is one of the best things to have on hand when taking apart or salvaging old components as well as for those mistakes where you may accidentally solder two pins together.I find wick a lot easier to use than a desoldering pump,
Title of review 1088
Made a mistake in your soldering? Don't worry - If you want to see what the product can do, take a look at this youtube video demonstrating good rework of soldering with simple tools: