Trinket Standalone Chip - ATtiny85
Atmel’s ATtiny85 8-Bit Processor. 8K of program space (2.5K taken up by bootloader), 6 I/O lines, and 4-channel 10 bit ADC. Runs at 8MHz or 16MHZ.
Want to program an ATTiny85 like a trinket, but want a stand-alone chip? This is the ideal solution, following the diagram below you can build a programmer for this chip
with off-the-shelf components. We have a kit coming soon, with a custom PCB for programming the chip, ready for mounting into your project.
This is a cost-effective way of adding the power of the ATtiny 85 to your project, as the chip only requires a 3V - 5V power feed.
If you require us to program these for you - please email and we will get back to you.